Published on January 26, 2007 By Phoon In Industry
Are you ready for DST changes?

In August of 2005 the United States Congress passed the Energy
Policy Act, which changes the dates of both the start and end of daylight saving
time (DST). When this law goes into effect in 2007, DST will start three weeks
earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later
(2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November) than what had traditionally
occurred. Refer to this Microsoft Web site for the latest information on
Daylight Savings Time issues.

Speaking from experience I can tell you that you
DON'T want to be caught in a network situation where your time is not within a
few minutes of your servers. It is ugly and can be quite nasty to fix on a large

Take the time to have a look at some of the
information provided by Microsoft

Click Here right now!
on Jan 26, 2007
Saw this the other day on Cnet. Feels like the commonly-agreed-upon notion of "time" might be getting crumbly about the edges.
on Jan 26, 2007
Hey, I didn't know this!

Thank you.

on Jan 26, 2007
Damn, going to lose a hours sleep three weeks earlier this year, and it will now be a month longer before getting that hour back.
With the change being three weeks earlier I hope the sun is coming up early enough not to go back to having to get up in the dark at 6:30 am.
on Jan 27, 2007
I say we all revolt and not change our clocks!
on Jan 28, 2007
or our socks!!   
on Jan 28, 2007
Isn't that just great, I finally feel like I managed to remember all the rules (without having to write them down) and somebody has to come along and change them. Can anyone remember the reason for this change or was it slipped in on us when we weren't paying attention?   
on Jan 28, 2007
End DST.

It's outdated, inconvenient, and just plain stupid. We deliberately screw up our entire population's biological clocks twice a year on the assumption this MIGHT save CHUMP CHANGE on energy costs. Considering that street lamps and other high users are already computer controlled, we've long since passed the point where this very weak idea to begin with has become an annoying societal disruption.

End DST.
on Jan 28, 2007

My question is, won't my computer automatically change to the correct time? It does now when DST kicks in.
on Jan 28, 2007
My question is, won't my computer automatically change to the correct time? It does now when DST kicks in.

Yes, but you'd need to make sure you get an update from Microsoft, most likely. I believe it does it now not by referencing some outside source for the time (it isn't synching up with a network) but instead by knowing the rule of when to set the clock back/forward. Since they've changed the rule, if no one has told your computer about it, your computer will likely do it wrong.
on Jan 28, 2007

Drat!!! Thank you pseudosoldier.... And if I do not get an update from Microsoft, will it make any difference? I haven't been able to receive updates from Microsoft for almost a year. A Microsoft technician was going to help me find the reason it wasn't working, but it sounded frightening to me, I didn't want to kill my pc, so I never followed through with it.
on Jan 28, 2007

It's a plot instigated by the curtain manufacturers....more daylight means faster curtain-fading....and more profits for them with replacements.

Join 'Vampires and Goths Anonymous' ....and get this abomination stamped out once and for all.....

on Jan 28, 2007
The Apathy Party has released the following statement regarding the DST change:

on Feb 01, 2007
on Feb 01, 2007
won't my computer automatically change to the correct time?

If you live in an area affected by DST your computer will NOT change time on the correct date unless you apply the updates. Here's a bit of help since you cant get windows updates ( you should REALLY get that fixed by the way)

All versions of Windows can be manually updated using the tzedit.exe utility or other techniques documented in Knowledge Base article 914387